Track the HOST

We often come across a scenario to physically locate the hosts on a large network from their IP address.

Assume that the device is correctly configured and live in the network.

The Steps are:

·      Check the ARP of the device if its directly connected.
·      Find/Get the devices MAC address if its routed segment.
·      Log into connected device and locate the host

Directly Connected:

·      Log into the last hop before the device itself and check the ARP cache for the device.
·      Ping the host IP from the gateway device (Arp entries time out on specific interval, ICMP refresh it) and check the ARP table for the device. Command to check:

#show ip arp | I <Ip address>
#show ip arp | I

·      From the arp table, get the MAC address of the host ip. Command to check:
#show mac-address-table address 0009.5432.7654

·      If it’s through trunk interface, log into the connected device and check the MAC address to locate the host. Command may require to check:

#show cdp neighbors
#show mac-address-table address 0009.5432.7654

·      Repeat this step until we get an answer pointing to a host.

Routed Segment:

·      Check the route table to identify whether the host is routed or connected. Command to check:

#show ip route <host ip>
#show ip route

·      If its routed, find the MAC of the routed device (Gateway Device) and get the MAC address to locate the host.

·      Log into last hop and locate the host.

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